Our older computer started to make a loud beeping warning tone a few weeks ago. It turned out to be the CPU temperature warning. The fan on top of the CPU heat sink stopped working. I removed it today and put in a new one. It is working fine now. The new fan is bigger than the old fan, so I had to use my glue gun to glue it to the fins of the heat sink. Because the fan is bigger, it moves more air over the heat sink and should make for a happier CPU.
When I tried to boot up after I installed the fan, nothing happened. I turned off the power and jiggled the cables and the CPU card where it plugs into the motherboard. I tried again and it booted up and then froze. I turned off the power, jiggled the CPU card, and tried again. It worked. It might have been a piece of dust that got in the slot and interfered with one of the contact points. I should have shot a blast of compressed air in the slot before I reinstalled it.
I did that around 5:00 PM, and it has been running since then, about eight hours, with no temperature warnings.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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