My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

For some weird reason, the only thing that sounded good to Sheri, and that she thought she could keep down, was my Mom's pumpkin soup. So that's what I made her.

It came out great. I made a couple of small changes, though, that really worked well. I added one large diced turnip, and instead of chicken thighs, I grilled some pork loin that I cubed and marinated for about 45 minutes in some Indian spices. The grilled flavor added a nice complexity to the soup, and the cubes were easier for Sheri to pick out.

I used my stick blender in the soup after everything was cooked, so the turnip cubes, along with the onion and green chilies, turned into a nice smooth puree.

I wrote here a few months ago about how much I like the taste of turnips in cooking. In this soup it added a nice fresh, almost celery like, taste, but was not overbearing.

I froze half of what was left over, and put the other half in the fridge for tomorrow.

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