My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, July 12, 2004

Sheri had a scare for about 30 minutes tonight; she lost her wedding ring. It turned up in my sock drawer. It slipped off while she was putting away laundry because her fingers have gotten too skinny. We need to take it in to the jewelers to have it resized.

I just got done cutting the grass and watering the flower beds. Everything still looks good. We still need to take some final pictures and post them to the web.

I ordered a few things from Amazon last night. The practical thing is a 256 megabyte flash drive for my keychain. It is basically a 256 Mg hard drive that fits on my keychain. That is as much storage space as 176 floppy disks!

The other items are things I am starting to collect casually:

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