I was able to talk Sheri into going for a bike ride through the forest preserve first thing this morning. While she was brushing her teeth and getting dressed I filled up the water bottles with ice cubes and water, and added some air to all of tires. The tires are rated up to 65 psi, so I like to fill them up to just under that. I was surprised by how much pressure they lose just from sitting there. They were both at about 40 psi this morning.
After riding we were in the forest preserve and had ridden for a couple of miles we stopped and Sheri had her breakfast Luna bar and a few sips of water in the shade. We passed a couple of people on horseback also riding the trails. That is always neat.
After we made a lap around the forest preserve trail and were back on city streets on the way home I had to stop and catch my breath after a long gradual hill. Sheri kept riding out of my site. That was the last I saw her. The rest of the way home I expected to round a corner and see her waiting for me. Nope. I got home and opened the garage and expected to see her bike in there. Nope. Crap.
I got out a lawn chair and sat in the garage and finished the water in my water bottle and still no Sheri. I decided I would take a quick shower, change into clean clothes, and if she still wasn’t home I would take the car out and look for her. There is one road on the way home that is easy to ride right past, and I thought she probably just did that and got lost in the maze of twisty subdivision roads, but in the back of my head the worst case scenarios are going through my head.
I quickly showered and changed and still no Sheri. As I am grabbing my keys and wallet I am trying to formulate a plan and stay rational. It was about 10:55 AM. If I couldn't find her by driving around by 11:10 AM I was going to call the police.
As I stepped into the garage and just about to press the garage door button I hear a tapping on the garage door.
The last time we went on a bike ride we took a different way home, and that is the way she went, while I backtracked exactly the way we started out this morning's ride. When it occurred to her that maybe she didn’t see me because I was hit or had a chain derail or crashed or something she backtracked to look for me.
I had to have a talk with her about the buddy system.
We have just been hanging around so far today. Just a little bit ago we took our bikes again and rode to the Dairy Queen that is just about a mile from our house and split a small chocolate sundae. We also dropped off the DVD we watched last night in the mailbox next to the DQ. There is a nice grassy hill with lots of shade trees between the parking lot and the street. We laid there and split our ice cream and talked. Very enjoyable.
We just got back and Sheri went to the store to look for some shorts. The tile guy just called and he will be here in about an hour to finish up or bathtub.
After the tile guy leaves we will probably go out for some more errands. Sheri wanted to go to Kohl's and I think she said Target, and maybe someplace else. We think we are also going to go to Meijer and get some meat for the grill. They have boneless skinless chicken breasts on sale for $1.99 a pound. They also have pork loins on sale for the same price. Maybe we will get a loin and cut them into chops and grill them. We will see what we feel like when we get there. We will probably also get some corn on the cob to go with whatever we get.
I think I am going to go up to the office now and go through the couple days of mail that I have stacked up. I think there is a bill or two tucked in there too to pay.
I just caught the end of the French Grand Prix, and now I am watching the Indy 300. Danica Patrick is currently in 16th position.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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