The tomatoes that Greta sent up are too ripe now to dice up for pico de gallo, so I blanched them this morning, removed their skins, and am cooking them up for a nice sauce. I didn't add any sugar, but the tomatoes are so sweet you would swear I did.
Sheri and Sunny went off to another mall, and later on they plan on going ice skating.
The ball cock in the downstairs toilet has a slow leak you can hear, so I am going to go to Home Depot and to pick up a new one and replace it.
After that if I need a shower, I will, and then I think I will take the Sunday paper someplace, get a drink, and relax there for a couple hours. Starbucks? Panera? White Castle? All are options.
Tim and Lisa went to Columbus for the football game and the associated festivities, and if I understand correctly, they only printed off one map, and that was to their hotel. After the game they found themselves at a different starting point from what was on their map, so they called me for turn-by-turn directions from where they were. I felt kind of like an OnStar operator.
They called a little later in the evening because they thought they took the wrong turn from their hotel to Easton. It turned out they did not and were taking the right way. I did not hear from them again so I assume everything worked out.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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