My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, February 13, 2006

When we got home today from our morning activities we both went down to the basement with our new skates. Sheri has never been on rollerblades, besides once or twice on carpeted floors in sporting goods stores, but she has been ice skating a few times in the last couple of months.

So this was her first time testing out rollerblades on a fast smooth floor. She looked really good and natural. Nice fluid moves. She said it felt pretty good too.

I feel like I have improved too. Both since the last time I was practicing, and in the 45 minutes that we were down there today. Sheri said I looked more at ease and relaxed; not so stiff. I was pushing off of alternating feet a little bit too and building my speed up. It was a little difficult to really get a feel for it though because just as I got a couple of good push-offs for speed I would have to stop because I ran out of basement.

I am feeling really good and confident about this. I don't think it is out of the question that I could actually learn how to skate now.

There is a big and obvious difference in Sheri's good skates and my cheapos. Here skates make no noise at all when she is moving. I skated away from Sheri to the other side of the basement. I turned around to say something to her and expected her to be 100 feet away. Instead she was right behind me. The wheels on my skates make noise as I roll and are not as smooth. I wouldn't be able to sneak up on her.

When I first started practicing just about every part of my body would tense up and I would my whole body would feel exhausted afterwards from all that tension. Today I mostly felt it in the small of my back, but surprisingly it is not a bad pain like I might get if I improperly lifted something heavy. It is the kind of tired you get after lifting weights are doing a good workout. I think that is a good sign. My body is constantly adjusting to keep me upright which is exercising more muscles than just walking.

I need to go take a shower now. I think I got my 20 minutes of exercise in the 45 minutes we were down there, and burned off a good portion of my lunch which I am excited to write about later.

Oh yeah, I had today off for Lincoln's Birthday, and I will have next Monday off too for President's Day.

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