My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

This is my tomato patch I planted a couple weeks ago.

Sheri planted a couple flats of flowers but ALL of the ones in the front rows died for some reason. The impatiens are doing well.

This is along the back edge of our yard.

Our goat's beard plant.

I don't know what the problem is with our ligularia. In the past if it doesn't get enough water it will wilt and look like it is going to die. You give it a big dose of water and it literally perks back up in an hour or two. That didn't work this year. I think it might have been damaged by a frost we had and is having a hard time recovering.

Our ornamental grass had a slow start last year, but this year it has taken off. Notice our hostas are intact thanks to our smelly rotten egg-based rabbit repellant.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your landscaping looks great. Hopefully the ligularia will come back ... if not this year, next. Keep watering it. The Beard-Tongue next to the Goat's Beard probably should be moved to allow it growing space because the Goat's Beard will spread. We're impressed with the weed free appearance (Sheri!!!).