My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I went to the local homebrew shop today to check things out. They have a couple beginners equipment kits, but I think there are some things in there that I don't think I would use, so I worked up a list of the things I would want and priced it out. I asked if he would give me a discount because I was buying everything all at once and he said sure. The prices below are pre-discount. I think he might have put down the wrong prices for the pail and lid because those seem a little expensive. We also forgot to add a stopper for the carboy and fermentation air locks, but those are just a couple dollars each. I didn't buy anything today because Amy wanted to be there when we buy everything, so I will wait until she is back from California visiting her mom.

Glass carboy - 6.5 gallons29.50
fermenting pail – 6.5 gallons15.90
pail lid5.69
auto siphon10.20
bottling siphon9.90
bottle sterilizer14.65
45-bottle drying tree29.00
Stainless steel brew kettle - 5 gallons32.50
Total 170.49

They had a bunch of ingredient kits too I looked over. I think my first one will be an American pale ale. I plan on doing a couple kits first before I try an all-grain batch. He gave me a sample of a double Belgian ale they made in the store and it was delicious. It was not from a kit, but it was not an all grain batch. It was a recipe they made using powdered malts and malt extracts. That might be a good intermediate to do between the kits and an all grain batch. I could be a little creative and pick the varieties of hops I want to use, maybe use some specialty malts, etc.

I went to Gordon's Food Service today and got 5 pounds of cocoa powder. Every morning I put a scoop in the soy protein drink I invented and it is cheaper to buy it this way rather than the 1 pound cans in the grocery store.

I went to performance bike after than and bought a chain cleaner, some chain cleaner fluid, and some Teflon chain lubricant.

Then I went to the homebrew shop as detailed above, and then because I was in the neighborhood I went to Farm and Fleet for no reason other than to walk around. I ended up getting hound food for Mitch, a rat trap, a solar powered LED dragonfly for the garden, and a Diet Coke, jerky and sesame sticks for the car because up to that point (3 PM) I only had coffee, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a beer sample and was a little beyond hungry.

After an afternoon of thinking about beer I really want to go have one, but I think I am going to cut the grass first and maybe take Mitch to the dog park or a walk around the neighborhood. If I had a beer now I probably wouldn't get to grass cutting next.

I also might have to take another video of me pouring a beer for my smartass brother in law, albeit probably not a homebrew one.


Tim said...

Yes, I am a smart ass and no you don't have to prove to me that you can pour a beer in an acceptable manner.

East Coast Girl said...

Oh but he does... this is Brad we are talking about after all!