It's actually way more than I expected. They say your first and even second year not to really expect anything. I will use pellets for bittering and then all of the hops I grew for aroma and flavoring. I will add 0.9 ounces at the last 5 minutes and then other 0.9 ounces I will dry hop when I rack to the secondary.
Wow, that sucks! Almost not worth the effort this year. Could have bought 2 oz of hops for the cash you put into watering them!
It's actually way more than I expected. They say your first and even second year not to really expect anything. I will use pellets for bittering and then all of the hops I grew for aroma and flavoring. I will add 0.9 ounces at the last 5 minutes and then other 0.9 ounces I will dry hop when I rack to the secondary.
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