I couldn't coax a poop out of Goliath this morning, so I hope I don't have to clean up a mess in the house when I get home tonight, but I probably will.
The company is providing a Christmas lunch for us today in the cafeteria dining room. Don't know what is on the menu, but you know I will be sure to let you know.
I was tired this morning, and ended up taking the second to last express train in, but I don't feel too bad now.
Tonight will be a cleaning marathon to get the house back in order for Sheri's return. Do dishes. Clean off counter and kitchen table. Pick some things up from the family room floor. Straighten up the bedroom a little. It actually isn't too bad. I'll put some good music on the stereo and turn it up load. That usually gives me a boost of energy and makes the work go faster.
I want to get some of that stuff that you put on your windshield that makes the rain just run right off so you don't have to use your wipers, and put it on the back window of our Lumina. The van has a wiper on the back window, but the Lumina does not. We had a heavy rain this week while I was driving the Lumina, and I realized that my vision was obscured quite noiticably.
I have noticed this non-city owned street cleaner that has been working around the loop. I would also notice it quite often hanging around the construction site that I have written about where they are building the new Hyatt skyscraper. I finally realized this morning on the way to work what it is doing. It is following the huge tractor/trailor dump trucks that are hauling away mud and dirt from the construction site and getting mud and dirt clods all over the place. I bet that the city made them do that. Very nice. Cleaning up after thenselves.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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