Sheri is pressuring me, albeit lightly, to get another dog already. She occasionally whispers "Hennah" to me. She is the 7 month old Shepard at the Humane Society.
Sheri lit up when I mentioned that it might be possible for me to work from home. Although it is possible this could turn into a permanent gig, there are definitely no guarantees. And I got the impression that working from home is just for when the work load permits it. If I need certain applications that are only on the county's workstations, I would have to go in. There is also a benefit to me of face time with other engineers and technicians that make me want to physically go to work.
I would love a dog, probably more than she does, but I just would not feel responsible getting one now. If I did get a job where I would work from home most of the time, or found a job that was close enough for me to come home for lunch like in Columbus, I would probably get another dog without too much agonizing.
The agonizing would come from us not being able to really enjoy Chicago since we got here. When we were both downtown, we could never stay in the city after work for dinner, shopping, etc.
Doesn't Hennah have a beautiful face though?
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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