We had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving. We got up, dressed, and drove-through White Castle for a little snack to hold us. We then went to the Humane Society to spend an hour with the dogs. We were not scheduled, so we didn't feel the need to get all of the dogs walked. We spent some lovey time with our favorites, and walk just a few. There were other volunteers there making sure everyone got outside. It still breaks my heart when I leave Gemini and Hennah. I want them both so bad.
We then went to Meijer for a couple of last-minute Thanksgiving ingredients.
We got home and I immediately started working on the dressing. Chopped onion, celery, and mushrooms. Sautéed those. Browned some Bob Evan's Sage Sausage. Stirred six cups of chicken broth into two packages of Pepperidge Farms dressing bread cubes, and then the vegetables and sausage. Cooked it in a covered roaster for 30 minutes. I made too much.
We also had a delicious smoked turkey, Sheri's Asian salad, and crustless pumpkin pie for dessert. We also got some artificial fire logs for the fire place. First one of the season.
While we ate we watched the second Lord of the Rings movie. I couldn't make it through the whole movie. I had a tough time staying awake when we saw it in the theater too. I guess I will just let Sheri finish it tomorrow while I work on school projects.
Sheri mostly has chores around the house to do tomorrow, while I hope to get several good hours of school work in. I didn't do any today.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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