My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Last night after work I stopped at Home Depot to pick up some pre-emergent crabgrass control plus fertilizer. I intended to apply it last night, but I left work a little late and by the time I got home the sun was setting.

Tonight after work I got right home, changed clothes, and got the season's first lawn fertilizer down. I went for the Vigoro brand.

I put down five applications last year instead of my normal four. The extra one was a winter feeding in November or December. I am looking forward to see if I notice a difference once things start to green up here.

I finally closed out Sheri's 401(k) from a job she had in Columbus and transferred it to her current 401(k). It wasn't awful, just a lot of pain-in-the-butt phone calls and paper work. I just looked on-line and the check was accepted by her current company's plan and will be posted this Friday.

I still have two 401(k)'s at two different companies. I wonder if I can consolidate one into the other even though I am not an employee there anymore. Probably not, but I might make a phone call. I suppose opening an IRA wouldn't be a bad thing to do just to consolidate things into one place.

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