Gravina Island, Alaska is the island that is scheduled to get a $0.94 billion bridge thanks to the transportation bill that George Bush signed in August.
It will be almost as long as the Golden Gate Bridge and taller than the Brooklyn Bridge.
Less than 50 people live on the island, and there are no stores, no restaurants and no paved roads. The ferry currently runs between every 7 to 30 minutes depending on time of day and the trip takes only five minutes. The fare is $4 for adults and $2 for children.
If the government paid for 1,000 rides a day the $0.94 billion would last for almost 650 years! If each of the 50 residents of the island took four trips per day (still probably a huge over estimate) the $0.94 billion would last over 3,200 years!!!
When I graduated from college I was a staunch Republican because I thought the Democrats just liked to throw money around to get elected and the Republicans were the fiscally responsible party. It looks like things have totally reversed.
It was difficult for me to change my allegiance too because being a Republican was somewhat of my identity. The Republicans represented intelligence, basing decisions on facts and not emotions, valuing higher education. Now they demonize Democrats as elitists with their fancy college degrees, and depend on getting people's emotions elevated by making false comparisons with misleading information.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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