My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

When I go to Starbucks I either get two shots of espresso on ice or a small decaf triple Americano (three shots of espresso in a small cup topped off with hot water). When I get the Americano I usually end up going back for a second cup.

This morning we decided to wake up by reading the paper at Starbucks and I thought I would try a different order to avoid the need to go back up a second time and maybe save a little money. I ordered an Americano with four shots of espresso in a medium cup. Unfortunately the ratio between hot water and espresso didn't work out; too weak. As a matter of fact it was so unsatisfying that I had to go back up and order my usual small decaf triple Americano. Oh well.

After an hour or so there we went to Wal-Mart to pick up some pictures I sent via the Internet last week. We also picked up a few toiletries.

We stopped at the Wonder Bread thrift shop to get some low carb hot dog buns but they didn't have any.

Then we went to Menard's to get some wood pellets for the fireplace and masking tape. We also picked up a couple jars of Fisher's dry roasted peanuts.

We came home and I had a grilled a couple hot dogs and just used some of my low carb bread instead of a bun. I also ate an avocado because we have a few that will go bad soon.

After sitting around and watching TV for just a little bit we both went outside for some yard work. While Sheri cut the grass I cut down a lot of the perennial plants in the front and back yard. I also pulled up all of the tomato plants. There are a bunch of green tomatoes I pulled off the vines that I think I will fry up.

When Sheri was done cutting the grass I drained the oil from the lawnmower while it was hot and runny and put fresh oil back in.

We showered up and then watched THX 1138. It is George Lucas' first film and has received a lot of acclaim, but we didn't care for it.

It was short and it is only 8:30 PM now, so we are going to watch Me and You and Everyone We Know. Sheri has already seen it in the theater with Emily, but she thought I would like it too, so she put it on our Blockbuster queue.

Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour.

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