My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

After we left Burger King we went to Trader Joe's for soy protein powder which I use every morning for breakfast. We also got some delicious triple cream Brie cheese, stone ground wheat crackers, Luna bars for Sheri, pepitas (pumpkin seeds), almonds, and a couple boxes of cereal.

Then we went to Mendard's for a couple more 40-pound bags of wood pellets for the fireplace. We also got a couple jars of Fisher peanuts.

Our last stop of the day was Ikea. We didn't go there with anything in mind other than to get a hot dog, walk around and people watch. We ended up getting a couple cutting boards, three serving trays, a neat silicone ice cube form that makes four huge ice cubes, two kitchen funnels, and a $10 laptop bag, but the bag will probably have to go back. It is just a little bit snug for our laptop.

It is gray and dreary here in Chicagoland today so we just decided to cocoon for the rest of the day. I cooked up a bag of edamame to snack on this evening. I put out the Brie cheese on one of the new cutting boards to warm up to room temperature. We turned on the Star Wars disk we watched last night to watch with the commentary by George Lucas turned on. It was good but we both ended up dozing off for a bit. It was the perfect thing to do on a gray rainy day.

Tonight we are going to watch a German movie called Downfall about Hitler's final days, but through the eyes of his secretary. It is supposed to be very good and I am pretty excited about watching it.

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