My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A properly brewed cup of coffee in a paper cup is usually too hot to hold with your bare hands. The original solution to this was to use two cups.

Somewhere along the line someone figured out that an insulated sleeve that slides around the hot cup and made out of recycled paper, instead of double-cupping, would save a lot of trees. Great idea.

I don't know if it is all Starbucks now or just the ones I have been too, but every time I have ordered a cup of coffee in the last year it has come double-cupped and with an insulated sleeve.

Is that a directive from Corporate that is supposed to make me feel pampered and special? Maybe I would feel even more special if the cups were stamped with something like "Made only with wood pulp from old-growth sequoia trees."

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