My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Cell phone rings:

Me: Hello?
Caller: confused moan
Me: Hello?
Caller: Uh, is Alfredo there?
Me: Sorry, you have the wrong number.
Caller: Who is this?
Me: Not Alfredo.
Caller: Uh…
Me: Sorry, wrong number.
Caller: Uh, OK.

It never ceases to amaze me when I receive a wrong number call and they ask who I am. Are people getting stupider? It used to be they apologized and hung up. I think the majority of wrong number calls seem to ask that.

I think I am even more amazed when I get a wrong number and get their voicemail, and I realize I have the wrong number, so I hang up, check my number and make my call again. Then the dork who's number I mistakenly called checks his (it has always been guys that do this) caller ID and calls me back and asks who I am. That doesn't happen as often but I have experienced it a few times.

I have the guy's phone number that was looking for Alfredo. I should call him back sometime and ask for Alfredo.

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