My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Several weeks ago my sister was doing some housework when she lost her vision and got a little lightheaded. After a few minutes she was OK except for a bad headache. Because she did not lose consciousness like Sheri did several weeks earlier, and everything turned out OK for Sheri, she decided not to follow up with a doctor.

When she related her experience to a coworker the coworker convinced her to see a doctor. They performed an MRI, and the initial interpretation indicated either oxygen depravation, inflammation of the brain, or MS. Yuck.

She had her appointment with a neurologist today and it turns out she just suffers from migraines! (Isn't it weird that that is good news?)

She has had headaches since she was just a kid, and we always attributed that to sinus congestion from allergies. The doctor said those were probably all migraines.

An American has a 1 in 1,000 chance of developing MS. If you have a sibling or parent with MS the odds of you developing it increase to between 1 and 3 in a 100! So I am doubly relieved that my sister is OK and that I am not at an increased risk for MS.

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