My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, November 13, 2006

For some reason Ben feels like his new pants are going to fall down, so ALL weekend, whereever he walked, he had at least one hand holding up his pants at all times. I thought he looked like a little old man.

I got in trouble for taking the picture below. I lost Sheri and Greta in Caputo's so I was just wandering around enjoying hanging out when I noticed the neat colors of all the pasta packages stacked up and thought it might make a neat picture. As I snapped the second picture I hear a goon voice behind me say "Who are you wit, sir?"

Caputo's security? I said "My wife and mother-in-law."

"Well we don't normally allow pitures in here." I wanted to say get bent, but instead I said I was just waiting on them and liked the colors and wasn't with another store trying to research prices. They lost some good will with me on this, but I am still crazy about their sausage.

A little angel.

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