Our Christmas cameras came today, but they did not show up until almost 5 PM. I was hoping they would show up earlier in the day so we could get the batteries charged before we went to a grand opening of a new Italian grocery store in the area.
We went to grocery store, had some pizza in the café, walked around the place, had some free coffee at the coffee bar, and then went home.
By then our batteries were charged so we could play around with our cameras.
I took about 70 pictures, but they were more figuring out what the buttons do and how the camera responds than really trying to take a picture. The light in our family room is horrible for photography at night anyway.
The purpose of this picture is I wanted to play around with setting the ISO. The shutter speed was 1/400 of a second and I had the 300mm lens at f8, but I had the ISO cranked to 1,000. The higher the ISO the less light you need, but more "noise" will appear in the image. (In digital photography it is called noise. With film you would call it graininess.) The lower the ISO the more light you will need, but the image will be very clean. For not knowing too much about nighttime sky photography and not having a shutter release cable I think it came out OK.
With film you had to make the decision of what speed film you were going to load in your camera not knowing exactly where you might need to take a picture. I usually ended up in the middle with 200 speed. If I was indoors the flash would help out, and out doors my shutter was fast enough to handle pretty bright sun. With digitals now day you can set the ISO on the fly for each picture. I can set the ISO down to 100 and all the way up to 3,200!
With this picture I was just experimenting with depth of field by opening up the aperture all the way in aperture priority mode. The pop bottle is in focus while Sheri is out of focus. I never experimented with depth of field with my old film camera so this is all new to me. Fun!
I told you the light is horrible. Maybe tomorrow night I play around with the white balance options.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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