Friday evening Sheri picked me up at work and we took the train into the city to see a friend of hers, Carolyn Turgeon, do a book reading from her first published novel, Rain Village.
There was also a guy that played a didgeridoo before and after her reading. Very cool. I liked it a lot and now I want to learn how to play it.
After the reading a bunch of us walked down Clark Street to a place called T's for snacks and drinks.
This is a short little video I took just to give you an idea for the feel of the place.
On the way to the book reading we stopped to take a picture on the Jackson Avenue Bridge of the ice jam in the Chicago River. On the way back later that evening ALL of the ice was gone.
We got home about 1 AM and had to make a big deal over Mitch for be such a good boy and staying home all evening by himself.
I few weeks ago I bought a ham, and after I was done eating it for a few days I froze the ham bone. This afternoon I took the ham bone out and made a great batch of navy bean soup. It must have been good because even Sheri liked it. I also made some corn bread. We had both of them for dinner while watching the Oscars.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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