My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

This morning (Saturday) we left the house mid-morning to go to Cosi for breakfast. I had a bacon-egg-cheese bagel sandwich and a coffee and Sheri had grilled cheese from the children's menu and a hot green tea.

Next on our itinerary was the John B. Sanfilippo & Son, Inc. thrift store in Elk Grove Village. They are the company that makes Fisher Nuts.

I had the GPS synched with the camera today so you can click any of the pictures in this post and then click on a map link under that picture to go to a map of the exact place I snapped the picture. I didn't have great GPS reception in the grocery store so some of those locations incorrectly show up as outside the store.



The main thing I go there for is the grind-it-yourself peanut butter. They have a machine with just peanuts for regular creamy peanut butter, and another machine with chocolate chips mixed in with the peanuts! This gives you a slightly sweeter peanut butter with a nice chocolate taste. I got one regular and two chocolate.


You can also buy all of their nut products for a big discount in large bulk packages. I was in the mood for some salted blanched nuts and asked for a price. For the bulk pricing the smallest (only?) size was 40 pounds. That is too much for me. I could have handled 20 pounds. Maybe the next time Dad visits we will go there and we can split a box.

The next stop was the Mitsuwa Marketplace. It is a huge Japanese grocery store/food court/book store/video store.




We got a few bags of frozen baos, a couple of sweet treats, and Sheri bought a few skin care and bath things. When we were done shopping I took the things to the car while Sheri went to the food court and got us a little snack of sushi and egg rolls. Both were really good.




We had planned to go to Target and a shoe store but Sheri's cold started to take its toll and she didn't have any energy left, so we decided to go home and do those errands tomorrow.

We just steamed a few of the baos for dinner and are getting ready to watch a movie. I think we are going to watch The Science of Sleep.

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