My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, January 27, 2003


We went to Menards after work to look at humidifiers. Not much of selection this time of year. I went over and looked over all of the wicks and I opened up a few. They didn't have a replacement for ours, but I found one that was about the same basic shape, but about four or five inches longer. I bought that with the idea of just cutting off the part I didn't need. It worked! It was $9.00.

It is made of ribbons of stiff paper, and seems like it might sag under the weight of the water after a while, but if it does, it won't kill me to get another replacement for $9.00. Doing that will get rid of any mold that grows in there, and restore the wicking ability that gets diminished from all of the minerals that accumulate on the wick.

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