My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, January 06, 2003

I met Sheri for lunch today at the DePaul University Loop campus. We went to the school book store first so I could buy my text book for the semester. ($97 plus tax!)

We then went to lunch at one of Sheri's favorite Thai restaurants; My Thai.

My class starts tomorrow night. I am looking forward to it. I am also looking forward to finally having my MBA behind me.

My eyes feel very tired and heavy. I plan to finish this up, send some bill payments via Quicken on the internet, and then go right to bed. I don't think I am used to a full day of work after having pretty much a two week vacation.

Mom and Dad said they ordered a subscription to Popular Science magazine for me for Christmas. Today I got a bill in the mail asking me to remit payment for the gift subscription that I ordered for Mom and Dad. Funny! They got the delivery address and billing address mixed up.

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