My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, March 08, 2003

Catch up pics

This picture was taken at about 6:00 AM when Sheri first got to the hospital on Monday morning. It was on the first floor by the registration desk. They gave her a gown to change into after being there just 15 minutes! I walked her street clothes back to the car, and by the time I got back it was time to wheel her up to the operating room. Very efficient.

I was the second person in the surgical waiting room Monday morning. Another guy was clear across the room on the other side and was falling asleep or deep in thought. The morning local news was on the TV and I was very happy to be able to watch it because I usually don't. So I had the TV to myself and a fresh newspaper to read. Then this guy walks in, and within a minute or two of being there asks me if I am watching the TV. I was reading the paper but listening to the news. I said I was just listening to it. He took this as a "No I am not watching." and proceded to turn to some B movie on the TNT network. He also turned the volume up really loud. So loud that I had to move across the room so I could concentrate on reading my paper. He left after about 45 minutes and I jumped up and turned it to CNN. It was on CNN the rest of the day and as long as I was there on Tuesday. I don't know if he was looking at me taking his picture, or just happened to be looking in my direction. He was probably about 10 yards away. I had the camera resting on my crossed knee and looking at the screen on the back of the camera.

This is a picture of Sheri using the headset I got her for our cordless phone. We love it. The sound quality is good, both what we hear and what the caller on the other end hears. It is comfortable. And clipping the phone to my belt and walking around the house while doing other stuff is really cool.

I wanted to take more hospital pictures, but I forgot about it after a while.

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