My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

LAN Status

I couldn’t wait yesterday to set up the new computer on our new LAN. I got the new PC to connect to the router with no problem, but after I installed the Ethernet card in the old computer it wouldn’t boot up. I was getting panicky because all of my school research is on there, as well as Quicken, account numbers, etc.

I wrote the error message down and did a Google search when I got to work this morning. The answer popped right up. It said that Zone Alarm can cause this error under three specific conditions. Sure enough, we have Zone Alarm installed, and one of the conditions happened.

I called Sheri and had her uninstall Zone Alarm and then reboot. When she rebooted she was finally able to start Windows successfully, but all of a sudden the Zone Alarm window popped up and the PC crashed again. So Zone Alarm is being launched from somewhere else. Tonight I will hunt down all references to Zone Alarm and delete it. I will look in .bat files and .sys files. That is probably where it is being called from.

Once I do that I should be able to finish loading the drivers for the new Ethernet card and then connect the old PC to router. At that point we will be able to copy files from the old computer to the new computer just by pointing and clicking. We won’t need to copy files to floppy disks or tape or anything.

I picked the Ethernet card up at Radio Shack for just $20. I ran out while we were waiting for the pizza to be delivered. I installed the card on the family room floor while we were eating our pizza.

Right now both PC’s are on the same table in the office and physically connected to the router with cables. Once I get a wireless Ethernet card for the old PC, I will be able to move it downstairs to the front room. Our front room connects to the family room. I think we are going to buy another six foot folding table just like the one we use in the office now.

That is going to be so cool when watching a movie or TV show downstairs and an unfamiliar term, historical event, movie review, etc. appears. I can just hop up, do a quick Google search, and know the answer in seconds.

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