My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Today was my last exam for the semester. It was a little bit more difficult than the other exams I have had in this class. I got a 78%, and the class average was 66%.

My raw score for the entire class right now is 92.3%, and the class average is 66.5%. The syllabus for the class says that anything less than a 68% for the class is failing. It also says that 5% of your grade is discretionary (professionalism, participation, etc.) So if he gives everyone the maximum amount of discretionary credit, the average will be 68.2%; just barely passing. It will only bring my grade up to a 92.7%, so I get an –A for sure, and an A if he doesn't use the plus/minus system.

I have a report to write tonight and finish up a map for tomorrow night's class, and then the semester is officially over for me!

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