My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Uncle Anthony gets props today. In Florida he said that Luzianne tea is the best tea there is for iced tea. Since then we have had several different brands of tea in the house and I have been paying more attention to the flavor. Today Luzianne was on sale so I picked up a few boxes of that. Right away I did notice that it is better tasting than the other teas. (I don't take anyone's word for anything, especially with something as important as iced tea.)

Thinking of Uncle Anthony also made me remember him telling me that the best steaks you can get are from Allen Brothers. He said they supply all of the biggest and best steak houses in Chicago and around the country. I heard a radio commercial yesterday from Allen Brothers and they gave their web address, so here it is: We have not tried ordering steaks from them yet, but we might have to give them a try.

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