My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, April 10, 2004

I have been craving a good cappuccino lately. Someone at work said that the new Duncin Donuts' lattes and cappuccinos were surprisingly good so I gave those a try. Very very light coffee taste. I didn’t feel like paying the $4 or $5 at Starbucks, so…

This afternoon I got out the espresso maker and made myself a wonderful cup of decaf cappuccino. The pre-ground decaf coffee that Mom and Dad brought back from Puerto Rico was already ground to a powder-like espresso grind and it worked perfectly. I didn't have to grind it down any further. I added three packets of Equal sweetener. I think I will make myself another one tonight while we watch one of our movies.

I just submitted our taxes electronically. Somewhere around here I have the rebate coupon that came with TurboTax in order to get the electronic filing fees refunded. I guess they are hoping I lose it.

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