My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

If you want to get a jump-start on me you can download and install this new free software called ShareALot.

Without getting too detailed, it will let me share all of our photos with out uploading them to the web. I can just tell the software which folder has the photos I want to share. When you log-in to the internet the software works in the background copying them directly from my computer!

If it works as good as the New York Times review says it does, this might be the only way I share photos anymore. I will also be sharing a lot more photos because I won't have to worry about how much server space I am using. I currently only have 100 megabytes. I have about 20 availabe gigabytes (20,000 megabytes) on my PC. That is 200 times more space!

It comes in versions for both Windows, Mac OS X.

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