For dinner tonight I took a precooked chicken breast from last night, put it on one half of a low-carb tortilla, and then sprinkled a generous amount of shredded cheddar on top of the breast. Then I put the whole thing on a tinfoil covered tray and put it in the toaster oven at 350º for about ten minutes. I ate it with a little horseradish sauce. I did that twice.
Nothing is grabbing my attention on TV. I don't feel like getting into a movie. I turned off the TV and went outside to water the flowers, and then I took a seat on the patio and watered the grass by hand for 10 – 15 minutes. BORED.
It is only 8:30 PM so it is too early to go to bed. I don't have enough energy to start any kind of project. I am thinking about going to Meijer and just walk around.
For tomorrow top on my list is pay my quarterly estimated taxes on-line. At the end of the first quarter I sent a check in via the US mail. To submit payments electronically you have to first request a password that comes via the US Mail. I didn't request my password soon enough before my first quarter payment was due. I have to dig up the envelope that has the password and use that to register on-line. I'm hoping it won't be too big of a deal. It is due by Wednesday.
Tomorrow I also would like to get some flower bed weeding in. I don't know how long I can last in this heat, but I guess I will start on one side and just work my way along as far as I can. Maybe if I put in a half an hour a day I can knock it out in just a few days. I think it is also time for another lawn weed and feed application. Maybe I will do that tomorrow too.
Just about every day this week they predicted thunderstorms. I did not see ONE rain drop. I am glad I went ahead and watered when I did. The flowers are looking good, but the lawn is somewhat crispy.
I had one sunflower left that the rabbits did not get. I watered it every night. When I went to water it tonight it was just a stump. I think it is time for some rabbit trapping. I can't put any kind of vegetables in because they will eat them before they even have a chance.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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