My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Our Sunday afternoon plan in chronological order:

1. Return library book

2. Deposit four checks in the ATM

3. Drop Blockbuster DVD and a postcard in a mailbox

4. Stop at a nursery to possibly buy some plants (tomato, cilantro, parsely) and maybe some ornamental annuals for the front yard if they have some good deals.

5. Grocery store for patio lunch fixings (ground beef, corn on the cob, peaches) If something other than ground beef is on sale, like chicken breasts, pork chops, etc. we will get that instead.

6. Back home to cook and eat lunch on the patio.

7. Plant any vegetable plants we buy.

8. Bring up from the basement and set up in the backyard Sheri's hammock chair.

9. Hang out in the back yard, enjoy the nice weather, read the paper, look at the clouds, etc.

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