My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sometimes a feel self-conscious about writing boring crap in my journal; that I am not being entertaining enough, but then I remember that it is a journal. A diary. My diary. It is supposed to be interesting to me. It's just a side benefit if others find it interesting or informative.

The other day I was looking at old posts from back in 2002 and it was really neat. Usually I can look at old posts and remember writing them, but these were so old I didn't remember writing them, so it was weird because it was like reading someone else's experiences, but they were mine.

Last week I was organizing our bookshelves and I came across a wedding memories scrapbook that Sheri kept. I don't think I ever read it before. It made me smile a couple of times. Maybe I will transcribe some of the things she wrote on here. She had things like what she had for breakfast. What I was doing. Weather. Who was late. What was on our reception menu. How I was during the ceremony. It was the same book she used for the guest book, so it was neat flipping through everyone's signature. True to form I saw a TCE at the bottom of one of the pages. That is how Christmas cards get signed as well.

I think I am going to get bring that book upstairs right now and do some transcribing.

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