I stopped at the hardware store to pick up some yard waste stickers for the shrub clippings from last night. We have to pay $1.85 for each bag of yard waste we need to dispose of.
I also set out a sprinkler in the front and back. The forecast says we should be having rain now, but I don't see any. If it does start I will have at least got the ground a little saturated so the rest of the rain will soak in better. I also watered the flower beds in the back.
Chipmunks have done a lot of digging under our front porch. I want to raise the level of dirt surrounding the porch to cover any tunnels they have already dug and to make it more difficult for future digging. Towards this end I picked up a bag of topsoil at the hardware store too. I probably need about 20 bags, but for now I will just do it a bag at a time. I thought about getting a load of top soil dumped in the driveway, but I don't have a wheelbarrow and I don't think this justifies buying one. I would also be worried that I wouldn't have enough places to put a load topsoil.
I probably have at least 80 pounds of magazines and catalogs in our recycle bin. I think the pick-up crew probably have union rules that limit how much they can lift, so I am going to divide all of the stuff into three or four paper bags for tomorrow's pick-up.
I am feeling kind of tired and "blah" tonight, so I think after I bag up the clippings and divide the recyclable paper I am going to take it easy tonight. I have been pretty productive over the weekend and on Monday and Tuesday, so I won't feel too bad about being lazy tonight. Maybe I will finally get around to watching Kinsey. I also have the chicken breasts to grill that I didn't get to yesterday. With my luck it will start raining and then I won't be able to use the grill by the time I get ready to cook.
I have not shaved my head since last Thursday. I wanted to see how I look with just a thin layer of stubble rather than completely shaved. I have gotten enough positive feedback that I am not against staying shaved for a while.
I just got off the phone with Sheri in Birmingham. They are getting ready to go out to an Italian restaurant for dinner with EVERYBODY. They will head back to Columbus tomorrow morning.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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