We had our first electric outage at home last night that I can remember in the 4.5 years we have been here. It wasn't warm enough for us to have the air conditioning on last night, but it was too warm, for me anyway, to sleep without a fan. I went downstairs and sat on the front porch for a while. Sheri was able to fall asleep.
Back in Columbus we lost electric quite a few times. When we did we could usually look out the front of the house and see houses blacked out, and look out the back of the house and see lights on. Last night we didn't see any house with electric service. Must have been a big one.
I turned on our police scanner and could hear the city electric crews trying to trouble-shoot which relay had the fault. They said they knew it was between number 761 and 771, whatever that meant. I would have liked to hear what the problem ended up being but the battery in the scanner died before they fixed it.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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