Our city has a program where they will plant a tree in your parkway (the grassy area between the street and the sidewalk) and split the cost with the homeowner. They say the cost is $250, so the homeowner pays $125.
The trees are fairly good size; 2" diameter trunk measured 6" from the bottom. They plant in the fall and spring. There are nine varieties to choose from in the fall planting and twelve to choose from for the spring planting.
They don't know what varieties will be offered this fall and spring but it will most likely be from this list. They don't want to plant problem trees that have shallow roots that will break up sidewalks or that are especially susceptible to disease or insects.
Does this sound like a good deal, or could I get just as good of deal on my own at a nursery? The front of our house faces the north so the tree won't provide shade, just privacy and aesthetics.
My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.
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