My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

My little Sheri made her first two shots of espresso all by herself this morning! (*tear* She's growing up so quickly right before my eyes.)

The recipe I developed for her is as follows:

Pour two fresh hot shots of espresso, which is two ounces, into a 32-ounce tumbler filled to the top with ice. Fill the rest of the glass with milk, and then add six packets of Equal sweetener.

This results in an iced coffee that she says tastes about equal to what she orders at Starbucks, but I think ours would have to be better because the coffee is going to be fresher and hasn't had a chance to oxidize from being left in the refrigerator for a few days.

Also, the iced coffee at Starbucks is drip coffee. The espresso is going to be much less acidic and smoother than drip coffee. Maybe this weekend we will get a Starbucks iced coffee and have a blind taste test against what we make at home with the espresso.

A shot of espresso has less caffeine than a cup of drip brewed coffee by the way. The shot of espresso will have about 100 mg of caffeine will the cup of coffee will have between 115 – 175 mg of caffeine.

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