My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The natural state of the greyhound.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

At this point in my gin and tonic career I think this is my favorite recipe for a delicious frosty limey drink:

4 ounces gin
8 ounces diet Schweppes tonic water
Juice from half a lime (about 1 tablespoon)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I take my lunch to work everyday. It saves me money and, more importantly, I eat better than if I went to a restaurant every day. My normal lunch is a sandwich, usually ham or turkey, one or two pieces of fruit, and maybe some nuts. A couple weeks ago I had a craving for a meatloaf sandwich, so I made a meatloaf over the weekend and packed that for lunch everyday. I liked it so much I'm on my third meatloaf made specifically for lunch sandwiches.

I remember ordering a gin and tonic back in my college days and thinking it was disgusting. I couldn't even finish it. Fast forward several years after that, I thought maybe my tastes matured and I tried it again. Blech. A few years ago I had the same thought and did the same thing. Blech again.

A few weeks ago the thought crossed my mind yet again, so I picked up a bottle of Tanqueray gin and a bottle or Martini & Rossi dry vermouth, looked up the standard martini recipe and I liked it! Next I went out and got a bottle of diet tonic water and a lime and made a gin and tonic. Loved it!

I picked up a bottle of Bombay Sapphire last week, and it is really smooth, but I think I like the pronounced pineyness of the Tanqueray better.

This weekend I bought a cocktail strainer and a set of 4 martini glasses. The strainer makes it way easier to make a martini.

Several weeks back I had people in the neighborhood I met that also had a greyhound watch Mitch overnight. When I picked him up the next day I noticed he was severely squinting his left eye. It only took a couple minutes to realize he probably was a bit too curious of the neighbor's two cats. I took him in to the emergency animal hospital (it was Sunday) and sure enough he had a couple scratches on his cornea. After too weeks of antibiotics and pain killer it was not healing up correctly. Mitch's regular vet did an operation where she scratched a grid pattern over the injury to let the healing process start over again fresh. It worked and he is back to normal again.

Took my car to the dealership a while back for an oil change and they asked if I wanted my cabin air filter changed for only $50. I declined. Last week I picked up a cabin air filter at the car parts store for $16 and it took less than 90 seconds to change it.

I am getting ready to start the process of getting quotes for a new furnace and air conditioner to take advantage of the $1,500 federal tax credit.

This is how my meatloaf cooked without a loaf pan turned out.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Trying something I saw on the Internet. I put my meatloaf in a loaf pan and then turned it out onto s cookie sheet to cook. It's in the oven right now.

One of my new martini glasses!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

We are REALLY good at this.

Sunday, September 12, 2010