My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I got some more stones picked out of the front bed, turned over the dirt again, and then cut the grass. I had the energy to take the hedge trimmer to the overgrown shrubs in the front of the house, but my back wasn't going to let me.

I laid on the family room floor for a little bit in front of the fan, drinking an iced tea. After I had rested up for a bit and gone through some of the Sunday paper I was on my way upstairs for a shower and then go run some errands, when the thought hit me again to go for a bike ride.

This time I had the idea to find a way to Sheri's friend Emily's house using only residential roads. When we drive there it is mostly busy and fast main roads.

There was one section of road that turned out to be non-residential, but it was only about 0.13 miles long, and on the way back I noticed that there were sidewalks on both sides which I didn't notice on my way there.

The round trip was 7.5 miles and my average speed was 9.8 mph.

I noticed a little bit of improvement on my tired-uphill speed. I was doing between 7.25 and 7.5 mph.

Now I am going to hit the showers and then see if I feel like running some errands. Meijer has fresh boneless chicken breasts on sale for $1.99/lb. That would make nice dinner, along with some cherries for dessert.

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