My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Yesterday afternoon we went to Starbuck's to hang out and read the paper. I wanted an iced coffee, but a lot of the stores only keep a pitcher of iced coffee on hand in the summer time. (They sell iced tea though. Go figure.) The barista suggested an iced Americano instead. I think I like that better than the plain old iced coffee now. The iced coffee is double strength drip coffee that is then stored in the fridge. The Americano is freshly pulled espresso shots, diluted with a little water, and then served over plenty of ice. I add milk and Equal. It has a better fresher stronger coffee taste.

I have some Starbucks's Sumatra beans at home so I just made myself an iced Americano to enjoy while I type this.

We have 5 coffee makers:

Krups espresso machine

Stove top espresso maker

12 cup drip
4 cup drip

I have been craving chicken salad for about the last two months. Yesterday evening we went to Bobak's. A lot of times they have rotisserie chickens on sale, and last night they were $2.50 each. We bought two and left them on the kitchen counter to cool while we watched The Grudge. After the movie, at about midnight, I de-boned both chickens and made an excellent batch of chicken salad.

I also made another good batch of guacamole last night. I used fresh cilantro, tomato, and onion instead of using the salsa shortcut.

It is supposed to rain all day today in Chicago. I think I am going to back the car out into the driveway so that some of the heavy salt and road grime gets washed away.

The movies we have in right now from our queue are Ray and Friday Night Lights. I am excited about seeing Friday Night Lights.

We don't know what we are going to do with ourselves today.

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