My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

This is a link to a story that the professor in my Intro to GIS class posted for us. It is how GIS was used to in the aftermath of the Columbia Space Shuttle explosion.

I ate in the student union cafeteria again today. I had liver and onions, a boneless broasted chicken breast, corn, and a large diet Pepsi. About $6.

I found another computer lab in the basement of the student union. Not as crowded, and more importantly, much cooler. I think my routine will be to go to the computer lab after lunch and look at the on-line sites that each of the NIU professors maintain for each class, and print out any class notes. For the most part, they don't hand out class notes any more. You go on-line and print them out yourself.

After I finish up in the computer lab, I am going to find a nice comfortable chair and read a chapter for my upcoming 3:00 PM class.

The professor this morning said that the librarian in the map library has just done a major culling of old and out of date maps from the collection, and they are free for the asking. I am going to stop by after my 3:00 class and see about getting a few. The professor said they make great wrapping paper.

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