My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, October 18, 2003

I had planned on buying a Major League Baseball regulation Rawlings baseball if the Cubs went to the World Series. I wanted it to just fiddle with and toss around while watching the games. Well, they are not going to the World Series, but I still had the urge to have a baseball just as a sort of worry stone to fiddle with while talking on the phone, watching TV, etc. The problem is they are $15, and with out a World Series, it wasn't worth it to me. At Wal-Mart tonight I found a cheapie MacGregor baseball for 97¢. It has a synthetic cover instead of leather. The core is cork and rubber instead of pure cork; and the core is wound with nylon instead of at least 85% wool. But for 97¢ it will do just fine.

But if the Cubs, or the White Sox, make it to the World Series next year, I am still going to buy a real baseball.

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