My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

I tried a jar of organic apple sauce a couple of weeks ago that only had apple and apricot puree as ingredients; no sweeteners. It was just OK, but it wasn't moving off the shelf. I got the bright idea yesterday to use the fruit leather tray of the dehydrator to get rid of the apple sauce. It turned out great! It has more apple taste and more sweetness after it has been dried.

I think this fall during apple season I will look for good prices on cooking apples and cook it all into apple sauce, and then freeze it in portion sizes for making fruit leather. It was that good.

The only problem is that the dehydrator only came with one fruit leather tray. I wonder if the airflow of the dehydrator is designed to use more than one tray at a time.

I also have to try making apple chips too. These would actually be healthier than leather because you can keep the skins on for extra fiber.

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