My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

Thanks to Lisa's inspiration I put together the ingredients for Pepper Steak Oriental in the crock pot and put it in the refrigerator. I will take it out and put it on low before I leave for work tomorrow. I can hardly wait.

I bought 3 pounds of round steak last weekend to make beef jerky, but I did get to making it. It takes a good amount of prep work to make jerky, and it is probably best to cut and marinate the meat on Friday night, and then start dehydrating on Saturday, and stop it Saturday night or Sunday morning depending on how fast it dries. To do it during the week you have to start it drying at night and not stop it until you get home from work the next day. That makes it too dry.

So anyway, I had 3 pounds of round steak in the fridge that I needed to do something with soon, and I didn't want to wait another 24 hours before I cut it up for jerky.

I diced up the steak and put it in the crock pot. Sheri stirred in:

soy sauce
garlic powder

She then diced and added:

half of a huge onion from a previous recipe
two average sized green peppers
½ pound of sliced fresh mushrooms

That's it! Lisa said it is delicious. One of their favorites.

I might serve it with a little rice.

We will have way more than we can eat for one meal, so I think I might freeze it in serving-sized containers and take it to work for lunches.

I have not been writing here too much. Nothing's wrong; just haven't been in a writing mood lately.

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