My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

My car was overdue for an oil change so I stopped at a Jiffy Lube last night on the way home. $32. Not bad.

I still didn't feel 100% when I got home so I just had a bowl of soup and a peanut butter sandwich for dinner.

We had light rain last night, which kept the trick-or-treaters away.

My throat hurt enough last night to dig out the cough drops. That helped before bed, but I woke up in the middle of the night with really bad throat pain. It didn't hurt enough to get out of bed and spend 15 minutes sucking on a cough drop, but it hurt enough to keep me awake for a while. I took a handful of cough drops to work.

Still feel blah. It doesn't help that it has been gray, and it is dark outside when I drive home.

If it gets worse I guess I will take a day off, but since I bill by the hour I don't have any vacation days. Every day I don't go to work is real money that doesn't come in.

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