My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

We went to Whole Foods for lunch. We did a lap around the store first to see what samples they had out. They must have just refreshed all of the samples because all of the sample trays were full. Lots of good stuff. The highlight was a plate of $23/pound salmon candy. Stupid name, but it was just smoked salmon that had been cured with brown sugar. Delicious.

For lunch we both got our own carton and picked some things from the hot salad bar and ate it in the seating area in the front of the store. The main thing we each got was King Ranch Casserole which is chicken, cheddar, tomitillo sauce, tortilla chips, and spices. I also got one potato and pea samosa, one piece of boneless curried chicken, and a spoonful of Thai cucumber salad.

We got a cart and did some provisioning for our dinner. We had to stop at Dominick's on the way home for a couple things Whole Foods didn't have.

We got home just around 2 PM at the same time the house cleaner was getting her supplies out of the car. She was supposed to have started around 11 AM. We were tired and were planning on a nap, but it actually worked out good because we got a lot of yard work done. We got all of the leaves in the yard to the curb. I pruned a branch from the big maple in the back yard and cut that into bite-sized pieces, and disconnected the garden hoses, emptied the water from them, and coiled them for the basement for winter storage.

When we were at Panera's yesterday I smelled a combination of things that instantly reminded me of a sandwich my Mom made when I was younger, but I have not had since I was probably in grade school. I called home right then and there to see if she remembers them and what exactly was in them. She told me and I made them for dinner tonight.

It is pretty much a Devonshire sandwich with a few shortcuts. We start with a piece of toast and put couple slices of turkey on, then a slice of bacon, and finally slice of tomato. I warmed the turkey in the pan I fried the bacon in just so the turkey wasn't cold. I drained the excess bacon fat out but there was still enough flavor left in the pan to add a little extra taste to the turkey. Finally we ladled the special Devonshire sauce of the open-faced sandwich. The sauce is just a can of Campbell's cheddar cheese soup (undiluted) and a half cup of plain yogurt. Mom's recipe calls for sour cream, but the yogurt tastes just as good and is better for us.

Sheri never heard of them but loved it and finished her whole sandwich. She wants me to make them again.

While Sheri was talking on the phone with her Mom after dinner I hard boiled eight eggs and made a pretty good batch of egg salad. I added:

Hellmann's reduced fat mayonnaise
A squirt of Gulden's mustard
Dill pickle relish
Sweet pickle relish
A teaspoon of prepared horseradish


We were going to watch a movie, but Mad TV is on in 30 minutes and then Saturday Night Live. They are both new and the guests sound pretty good, so we are just going to watch that tonight.

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