My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Friday, December 30, 2005

I will be starting an exciting new job within a couple of weeks.

I want to write about a lot of the things going on, but I am reluctant to post work-related information in a public blog, especially about this particular employer.

I thought about creating a new blog at a site that allows me to create locked entries, but that would require anyone that wants to read it to create an account, and I don't want to make people have to do that.

I decided on making an e-mail list that I will use to send out private work related posts as well as anything that I do not want to post publicly.

If you want to be on this list either leave a comment below asking to be included on the list, or send me an e-mail to me at bandswill at yahoo dot com.

I am not going to make any assumptions about including family or friends. I am not going to put anybody on the list that does not explicitly ask.

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