My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I went to bed last night with a 102° fever and I threw up once. I didn’t sleep well because I would wake up hot and sweaty, roll over, and then wake up an hour later almost shivering. Lather rinse repeat.

I was exhausted this morning and my stomach still hurt.

I didn't do much today because my new PC had not arrived, or at least IT had not configured it yet.

Here a few pictures of the office, and then I am going to bed.

Do I look like I am ready to pass out? Well I was.

Looking north from one of the conference rooms. They call them fishbowls.

Looking south from the same conference room.

After spending eight hours a day for two years in a basement with no natural light, the sunroof and all of the natural light it affords is nice luxury to me.

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