My greyhound can run faster than your honor student.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I got a lot done tonight. I came home, changed clothes, and then ironed a pair of work pants that came out of the drier this weekend. Then I tried ironing a shirt that I didn't want to send to the cleaners. I did an OK job, but I still left some wrinkles in it. Sheri had to follow up to get it wearable.

My back was a little achy so I laid on the bed for a bit. After I was rested up I went downstairs for some dinner. I just picked. I had some whole wheat bread that Sheri got from Great Harvest today. The last half slice of cold pizza left over from the weekend. I also had some cereal, and the last of the Jamaican beef patties we had in the freezer.

Then we sat in the family room for a bit and watched TV. I fell asleep for probably about 30 minutes.

Then I went up to the office and crossed a few yucky things off of my to-do list.

1. Paid some bills, sorted through the mail, and updated the check register.

2. Filled out the rebate form for a flash drive I get for free for buying TurboTax this weekend.

3. Re-created an invoice for the freelance work I did late last year.

4. Installed TurboTax, downloaded the state program, and downloaded all of the available updates.

5. Started our 2005 tax form. I stopped about half way through creating my Schedule C. I have to go dig up how much I paid for business insurance last year. At 9:30 PM on a school night I didn't feel up to sorting through my business documents folder. It will have to wait until tomorrow night.

I am going to brush my teeth and go to bed. Tomorrow will be another glorious day of various GIS activities. Top on my list is to consolidate all of our concurrent-use licenses to one server. Right now we have licenses in a few different places.

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